Sunday, March 6, 2011


I spent a few hours today doing one of my favourite things in the world, scouring the internet for glorious boots and (naturally) I came across the Christian Louboutin website, which led me to Louboutin World.  A mish mash of glorious shoe madness!  Jesters, fortune tellers, studs, sparkles and superhero shoes. If you have a few spare minutes, do check it out, it will put a smile on the face of any shoe lover.

And did I find my dream boots?  You bet I did.  A Bootee can dream can't he?


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A run for my money

A short post today, since things have been quite busy in Bootees world!  But I thought I might celebrate the start of Autumn with this cute little fella in his gumboots.  I hate to say it but he's giving Bootees a bit of a run for their money for the cutest thing around in boots!

xx charlie